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Paul L.Th. Beuk Version date: 15-03-2021 16:20

Urytalpa ochracea (Meigen, 1818)
Diagnosis. Diverse family of small to large (4.0-15.0 mm) fungus gnats. Body slender and fragile to plump. Head small; mouthparts occasionally elongated; antennae long to very long (in some Macrocerinae several times longer than body), sometimes with strongly laterally flattened segments. Thorax hump-backed; wing membrane hyaline or with markings or fasciae (especially in Macrocerinae); Sc ending in C, R and M fused for short distance; R usually with three branches. Legs long and slender though relatively shorter in plumper species. Abdomen long, either narrow or somewhat swollen, sometimes distinctly flattened dorsoventrally.

Biology. Larvae are usually found in damp and dark places, most often under Polyporaceae (bracket fungi) in forest. There they build webs to collect spores (mycophagous species) or capture small living invertebrate prey (predaceous species). Predaceous species use an acid fluid to kill their prey with an acid fluid. Mycophagous are reported to occasionally feed on pupae of their own species or on dead insects. Some exotic species have luminescent larvae and sometimes adults. Adults may be found on flowers.

General references. Hutson et al. (1980 [keys]), Kjærandsen (2009 [Urytalpa]), Krivosheina & Mamaev (1988a [catalogue Keroplatinae], 1988b [catalogue Macrocerinae]), Ševčík et al. (2015 [key to genera Keroplatini]), Vockeroth (1981 [general, key to genera]).

References to the local fauna. Beuk (1996g), Beuk et al. (1993, 1994, 1995), Krivosheina & Mamaev (1988a), De Meijere (1916, 1939b), Van der Wulp (1868, 1877).
Remarks. World species number after Evenhuis (2006).

How to quote this page: Beuk, P.L.Th., 2021. Family Keroplatidae. In: Beuk, P.L.Th. (Ed.): Checklist of the Diptera of the Netherlands, https://diptera-info.nl/news.php?fam=Keroplatidae (date accessed: 08/09/2024).

NL: 38, 3I B: 42 D: 38 UK: 52 World: 952
  Cerotelion Rondani, 1856
  striatum (Gmelin, 1790) Note 1
  = lineatum (Fabricius, 1775): preocc.
  = laticornis (Meigen, 1818)
  Isoneuromyia Brunetti, 1912
  semirufa (Meigen, 1818)
  = fulvipes (Meigen, 1818)
  = concolor (Van der Wulp, 1874)
  Keroplatus Bosc, 1792
  = Ceroplatus Fabricius, 1798: emend.
  reaumurii (Dufour, 1839)
  = sesioides (Wahlberg, 1839): misident. sensu De Meijere, 1916
  = winnertzi Landrock, 1925
  testaceus (Dalman, 1818)
  tipuloides Bosc, 1792
  Lyprauta Edwards, 1931
  cambrica Chandler & Pijnakker, 2009 I; added by Chandler & Pijnakker (2009: 84
  chacoensis (Edwards, 1931) I; added by Chandler & Pijnakker (2009: 86
  Macrorrhyncha Winnertz, 1846
  flava Winnertz, 1846
  rostrata (Zetterstedt, 1851) occurrence according to Fauna Europaea 
  Monocentrota Edwards, 1925
  lundstroemi Edwards, 1925 N; added by Beuk (1996g: 89, 202
  Neoplatyura Malloch, 1928
  flava (Macquart, 1826)
  modesta (Winnertz, 1863)
  nigricauda (Strobl, 1893)
  Orfelia Costa, 1857
  = Zelmira Meigen, 1800: suppr.
  bicolor (Macquart, 1826) N; again added as basalis in original checklist (Beuk, 2002d Note 2
  = basalis (Winnertz, 1863)
  discoloria (Meigen, 1818)
  = unicolor (Staeger, 1840): misident. sensu Van der Wulp, 1877
  fasciata (Meigen, 1804)
  lugubris (Zetterstedt, 1851) N; synonymy established by Kjærandsen et al. (2007: 22
  = tristis Lundström, 1911
  minima (Giglio-Tos, 1890) occurrence according to Fauna Europaea 
  nemoralis (Meigen, 1818)
  = flavipes (Meigen, 1818)
  = nana (Macquart, 1826)
  = succincta (Meigen, 1838)
  = cincta (Winnertz, 1863)
  nigricornis (Fabricius, 1805)
  = infuscata (Winnertz, 1863)
  ochracea (Meigen, 1818) Note 3
  = unicolor (Staeger, 1840)
  pallida (Staeger, 1840)
  Proceroplatus Edwards, 1925
  trinidadensis (Lane, 1960) I; added by Chandler & Pijnakker (2009: 87
  Pyratula Edwards, 1929
  perpusilla (Edwards, 1913) occurrence according to Fauna Europaea 
  zonata (Zetterstedt, 1855)
  Rutylapa Edwards, 1929
  ruficornis (Zetterstedt, 1851) occurrence according to Fauna Europaea 
  Urytalpa Edwards, 1929
  atriceps (Edwards, 1913) occurrence according to Fauna Europaea 
  dorsalis (Staeger, 1840)
  = ochracea (Meigen, 1818) Note 4
  = humeralis (Winnertz, 1863)
  macrocera (Edwards, 1913)
  Macrocera Meigen, 1803
  angulata Meigen, 1818
  centralis Meigen, 1818
  fasciata Meigen, 1804
  fascipennis Staeger, 1840 N; first recorded in original checklist (Beuk, 2002d Note 5
  inversa Loew, 1869
  lutea Meigen, 1804
  phalerata Meigen, 1818
  = maculipennis Macquart, 1826
  stigma Curtis, 1837
  stigmoides Edwards, 1925
  tusca Loew, 1869
  vittata Meigen, 1830
  Platyura Meigen, 1803 Note 6
  = Apemon Johanssen, 1909
  marginata Meigen, 1804
  = atrata (Fabricius, 1805)
Deleted species
  Isoneuromyia Brunetti, 1912  
  vitripennis (Meigen, 1830)   Note 7
  Macrocera Meigen, 1803  
  nana Macquart, 1826   Note 8
Note 1 Thompson & Pont (1994) confirmed the validity of striatum as replacement name for lineatum (Fabricius, 1775) (nec Scopoli, 1763).
Note 2 Material examined: Material examined: GELDERLAND: Neerijnen (2 [m][m]: 14-17.vii.1991, leg. B. van Aartsen MT [BEUK]; 3 [m][m], 1 [f]: 21-24.vii.1991, leg. B. van Aartsen MT [BEUK]; 2 [m][m]: 21-24.vii.1991, leg. B. van Aartsen MT [RMNH]; 1 [m]: 29.vii-3.viii.1991, leg. B. van Aartsen MT [BEUK]), det P.L.Th. Beuk.
Note 3 The correct identity of ochracea was pointed out by Kjærandsen et al. (2009).
This species was recorded as unicolor from the Netherlands by Krivosheina & Mamamev (1988a: 206) but this may have been due to the confusing record by De Meijere (1939b: 142). However, recent material was examined and subsequently published as unicolor (Beuk et al., 1994: xix).
Note 4 Misidentification pointed out by Kjærandsen et al. (2009).
Note 5 Material examined: DRENTE: Bargerveen (Barger Oosterveen, 1 [f]: 9.vi.2000, leg. B. van Aartsen MT [BEUK]), det P.L.Th. Beuk.
Note 6 The classification of Platyura in the subfamily Platyurinae follows Mantič et al. (2020).
Note 7 Under this species name Krivosheina & Mamaev (1988a: 202) erroneously listed concolor, thus implying occurrence in the Netherlands.
Note 8 M. nana Macquart was given in a list of new synonyms by Van der Wulp (1868: 226) without stating the source of the synonymy. Since nana Macquart was never recorded afterwards, it is presumed that the synonymy was not based on the examination of Dutch material.
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The family introduction was last edited on 11-06-2015 12:33
Platyuridae was the last (sub)family to be edited on 05-06-2020 10:16
Proceroplatus was the last (sub)genus to be edited on 08-12-2020 16:58
Proceroplatus trinidadensis was the last (sub)species to be edited on 08-12-2020 16:59

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