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Wim C. Nijveldt and Paul L.Th. Beuk Version date: 20-12-2022 22:35

Holoneurus marginatus (De Meijere, 1901)
Diagnosis. Adults small, wing length usually 1.0-3.0 mm but up to 15.0 mm in larger species. Antennae relatively long and clearly segmented, segments bearing thread-like sensoria, developed mostly in long looped circumfilia; mouthparts reduced. Wing venation simple. Legs usually long and slender, tarsal claws toothed or not, empodium well developed, pulvilli normally short. Male genitalia of simple nematoceran build; female abdomen ending in a tapered, telescopic ovipositor with two- or three-segmented lamellae, latter sometimes fused to form a single median lobe or chitinised aciculate structure. Mature larvae 2.0-5.0 mm long, white, yellow, orange or red in colour. Head capsule and mouthparts reduced; prothorax usually with ventromedian sternal spathula or breast bone which has diagnostic value in many species. Pupa of the mumien puparium type. Eggs elongate and white, yellow, orange or red in colour.

Biology. There are three to five larval stages. Most species are phytophagous, inducing galls on various plant parts or develop on them without inducing galls. Others are zoophagous, feeding as endoparasites or on aphids, scale insects, mealy bugs, mites, gall midges or other invertebrates. Larvae of so-called free-living species of the Lestremiinae and Porricondylinae do not produce galls but feed on fungi in soil, dead wood or sporophores of macrofungi. Mycophagous species live as larvae on mildews and rusts. Inquilinous gall midges are found in galls produced by other Cecidomyiidae, other Diptera, Cynipidae (gall wasps) and Psyllidae; however, some of them can also produced galls themselves. Pupation takes place in the gall, on the plant or in the soil. One to several generations develop per year. Some species can remain in the larval stage for a long period; those of Taxomyia taxi one or two years, of Plemiella abietina three years, of Haplodiplosis marginata at least six years and Lithodiplosis mosellana is reported for up to twelve years. Mating takes place immediately after emergence. Adult mostly only live for a few days. Fertilised females live shorter than unfertilised ones; they die soon after oviposition.

General references. Barnes (1946a, 1946b, 1948a, 1948b, 1949, 1951, 1956 [species of economic importance]), Buhr (1964, 1965 [keys]), Gagné (1981a [general, key to genera]), Gagné & Jaschhof (2014 [world catalog]), Harris (1966 [economic importance], 1968 [biological control, systematics], 1994 [classification, biology]), Houard (1908, 1913 [identification]), Jaschhof (1998b [Lestremiinae]), Mamaev (1975 [evolution, biology]), Mamaev & Krivosheina (1993 [larvae]), Mani (1964 [ecology]), Möhn (1955, 1966, 1968a, 1968b, 1969, 1971 [keys]), Nijveldt (1969 [species of economic importance]), Panelius (1965 [Porricondylinae]), Skuhravá (1986 [catalogue], 1997 [general, key to genera]), Skuhravá et al. (1984 [biology]).

References to the local fauna. Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946), Docters van Leeuwen (1936, 1941, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1957, 1959, 1982), Gagné & Jasschof (2014), De Goffau (1988), Grijpma & Van der Weerd (1991), Jaschhof (1996, 1998a, 1998b), De Meijere (1939a, 1939b, 1946a ), Nijveldt (1950, 1951a , 1951b , 1952 , 1953a, 1953b, 1953c , 1957, 1959a, 1959b , 1960, 1962, 1968, 1973, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1987a, 1987b, 1997, 1999), Van Poeteren (1941), Roskam (1977, 1979), Van Rossem et al. (1959, 1974, 1976), Schroevers ([1942] ), Skrzypczynska et al. (1993), Skuhravá (1986).

How to quote this page: Nijveldt, W.C., & P.L.Th. Beuk, 2022. Family Cecidomyiidae. In: Beuk, P.L.Th. (Ed.): Checklist of the Diptera of the Netherlands, https://diptera-info.nl/news.php?fam=Cecidomyiidae (date accessed: 23/07/2024).

NL: 376, 6? B: 140 D: 343, 5? UK: 836 World: >5000
  Asphondylia Loew, 1850
  = Ischnonyx Rübsaamen, 1916
  baudysi Vimmer, 1937 will be formally added by Beuk & Ellis (in prep.) 
  ervi Rübsaamen, 1896
  melanopus Kieffer, 1890 added by Docters van Leeuwen (1948: 217, 219
  ononidis Löw, 1873 added by Docters van Leeuwen (1953: 262
  pilosa Kieffer, 1898 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 78
  pruniperda Rondani, 1867 added as prunorum by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 183
  = prunorum Wachtl, 1888
  sarothamni (Loew, 1850)
  = mayeri Liebel, 1889
  = pilosa Kieffer, 1898
  verbasci (Vallot, 1827)
  Brachineura Rondani, 1840
  = Brachyneura Rondani, 1840: incorrect spelling in Roskam & Charbonelle (2015)
  = Spaniocera Winnertz, 1853
  squamigera (Winnertz, 1853) added by Nijveldt (1985: 87
  Brachyneurina Mamaev, 1967
  peniophorae Harris, 1979 added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 70
  Mikiola Kieffer, 1896
  fagi (Hartig, 1839)
  Ametrodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1910
  crassinerva (Kieffer, 1901) added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 244
  thalictricola (Rübsaamen, 1895)
  Anabremia Kieffer, 1912
  viciae Kieffer, 1913 Note 1
  = longiventris (Kieffer, 1909): misident.
  Anisostephus Rübsaamen, 1917
  betulinus (Kieffer, 1889)
  Anthodiplosis Kieffer, 1921
  rudimentalis (Kieffer, 1901) added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 93
  Aphidoletes Kieffer, 1904
  = Phaenobremia Kieffer, 1912
  aphidimyza (Rondani, 1847) added as aphidivora by Nijveldt (1953a: 192
  = aphidivora (Rübsaamen, 1891)
  urticariae (Kieffer, 1895) added by Nijveldt (1952: 8
  Aschistonyx Rübsaamen, 1917
  carpinicolus Rübsaamen, 1917 added by Docters van Leeuwen (1951: 298
  Cecidomyia Meigen, 1803
  = Itonida Meigen, 1800:
  = Stelechodiplosis Möhn, 1955
  harrisi Nijveldt, 1987 T; added by Nijveldt (1987b: 218
  magna (Möhn, 1955)
  pini (De Geer, 1776)
  sarae Nijveldt, 1987 T; added by Nijveldt (1987b: 218
  Clinodiplosis Kieffer, 1895
  cilicrus (Kieffer, 1889) added as biorrhizae by Nijveldt (1950: 99 Note 2
  = rosiperda (Rübsaamen, 1892)
  = coriscii Kieffer, 1896
  = biorrhizae Kieffer, 1909
  = gallicola Rübsaamen, 1911
  = lathyri Rübsaamen, 1917
  = pisicola Barnes, 1928
  invocata (Winnertz, 1853)
  Contarinia Rondani, 1860
  = Eudiplosis Kieffer, 1894
  = Stictodiplosis Kieffer, 1894
  = Atylodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1910
  = Syndiplosis Rübsaamen, 1910
  acerplicans (Kieffer, 1889)
  acetosellae (Rübsaamen, 1891)
  aequalis Kieffer, 1898
  anthobia (Löw, 1877) Note 3
  anthophthora (Löw, 1880) added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 297
  asclepiadis (Giraud, 1863)
  baeri (Prell, 1931) added by Nijveldt (1968: 226
  barbichei (Kieffer, 1890)
  = barbichi (Kieffer, 1890): incorrect original spelling
  coryli (Kaltenbach, 1859)
  = corylina (Löw, 1878)
  craccae Kieffer, 1897
  dipsacearum Rübsaamen, 1921
  fagi Rübsaamen, 1921 N; added by De Goffau & Nijveldt (2005: 21
  floriperda Rübsaamen, 1917 added by De Meijere (1946b: 2
  galeobdolontis Kieffer, 1909 N; added by Ellis (2013
  heraclei (Rübsaamen, 1889) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1959: 118
  hyperici Barnes, 1952 added by Docters van Leeuwen (1957: 240
  hypochoeridis (Rübsaamen, 1891) added by Nijveldt (1973: 97
  jacobaeae (Loew, 1850)
  lonicerearum (Löw, 1877) added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 234
  = sambuci (Kaltenbach, 1873): incorrect synonymy
  loti (De Geer, 1776)
  medicaginis Kieffer, 1895
  nasturtii (Kieffer, 1888)
  = ruderalis (Kieffer, 1890)
  = torquens De Meijere, 1906
  = geisenheyneri Rübsaamen, 1917 omitted by De Meijere (1939b Note 4
  nicolayi (Rübsaamen, 1885)
  petioli (Kieffer, 1898)
  picridis (Kieffer, 1912) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1957: 191
  pilosellae Kieffer, 1896
  pisi (Winnertz, 1854)
  = pisicola De Meijere, 1911
  pulchripes (Kieffer, 1890)
  pyrivora (Riley, 1886)
  = piricola (Nördlinger, 1855): misident., incorrect spelling
  quinquenotata (Löw, 1888) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1951: 299
  ribis Kieffer, 1909
  rubicola Kieffer, 1909
  scoparii (Rübsaamen, 1889)
  scrophulariae Kieffer, 1896
  scutati Rübsaamen, 1910 added by Docters van Leeuwen (1957: 246
  solani (Rübsaamen, 1891) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1953: 264
  sorbi Kieffer, 1896
  steini (Karsch, 1881)
  tiliarum (Kieffer, 1890)
  tremulae Kieffer, 1909
  tritici (Kirby, 1798)
  valerianae (Rübsaamen, 1890) added by Nijveldt (1962: 237
  Coquillettomyia Felt, 1908
  lobata (Felt, 1907) added by Nijveldt (1973: 97
  Diodaulus Rübsaamen, 1917
  linariae (Winnertz, 1853) added as aceris by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 100
  traili (Kieffer, 1889)
  Drisina Giard, 1893
  glutinosa Giard, 1893
  = aceris (Rübsaamen, 1921)
  Endopsylla De Meijere, 1907
  agilis De Meijere, 1907
  Feltiella Rübsaamen, 1910
  = Therodiplosis Kieffer, 1912
  acarisuga (Vallot, 1827) Note 5
  = tetranychi Rübsaamen, 1910
  = persicae (Kieffer, 1912)
  Giardomyia Felt, 1908
  britannica Milne, 1960 added by Nijveldt (1968: 227
  Haplodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1911
  marginata (von Roser, 1840) added as equestris by Van Rossem et al. (1959: 91 Note 6
  = equestris (Wagner, 1871)
  Harmandiola Skuhravá, 1997
  = Harmandia Kieffer, 1896:
  cavernosa (Rübsaamen, 1899)
  = cristata (Kieffer, 1898): misident.
  globuli (Rübsaamen, 1889)
  tremulae (Winnertz, 1853)
  = loewii (Rübsaamen, 1892)
  Hygrodiplosis Kieffer, 1912
  vaccinii (Kieffer, 1897)
  Karshomyia Felt, 1908
  = Karschomyia Felt, 1908: emendation
  caulicola (Coquillett, 1895) added by Nijveldt (1985: 87
  Lestodiplosis Kieffer, 1894
  = Coprodiplosis Kieffer, 1894
  centralis (Winnertz, 1853)
  cirsii Barnes, 1928 added by Nijveldt (1962: 238
  fascipennis (Winnertz, 1853)
  fuscicollis (Bouché, 1834)
  gracilis Nijveldt, 1953 T; added by Nijveldt (1953b: 284
  heterobiae Barnes, 1928 added by Nijveldt (1959b: 102
  pallidicornis Kieffer, 1898 added by Nijveldt (1957: 78
  pini Barnes, 1928 added by Nijveldt (1968: 226
  raphani Barnes, 1929
  rosarum Barnes, 1928 added by Nijveldt (1962: 239
  tarsonemi Rübsaamen, 1895 added by Nijveldt (1962: 238
  urticae Nijveldt, 1951 T; added by Nijveldt (1951b: 313
  variegata (Macquart, 1826)
  Loewiola Kieffer, 1896
  centaureae (Löw, 1875) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1951: 298
  Macrodiplosis Kieffer, 1895
  pustularis (Bremi, 1847) Note 7
  = dryobia (Löw, 1877)
  volvens Kieffer, 1895
  Massalongia Kieffer, 1896
  rubra (Kieffer, 1890)
  Monarthropalpus Rübsaamen, 1892
  flavus (Schrank, 1776)
  = buxi (Laboulbène, 1873)
  Monobremia Kieffer, 1912
  subterranea (Kieffer, 1898) added by Nijveldt (1980: 55
  Mycodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1895
  = Isodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1912
  coniophaga (Winnertz, 1853)
  erysiphes (Rübsaamen, 1889) added by Nijveldt (1973: 99
  pini Felt, 1906 added by Nijveldt (1968: 226
  plasmoparae Rübsaamen, 1906 added by Roskam (1979: 320
  sphaerothecae (Rübsaamen, 1889) added by Nijveldt (1960: 185
  Obolodiplosis Felt, 1908
  robiniae (Haldeman, 1847) N; added by Roskam et al. (2008: 27
  Parallelodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1910
  galliperda (Löw, 1889) added by Skuhravá (1986: 279
  Planetella Westwood, 1840
  = Planetes Walker, 1836:
  = Hormomyia Loew, 1850
  = Dyodiplosis Rübsaamen, 1910
  = Trishormomya Kieffer, 1912
  = Trishormomyia Kieffer, 1912: emend.
  arenariae (Rübsaamen, 1899)
  extrema (Walker, 1836)
  = crassipes (Loew, 1850)
  gallarum (Rübsaamen, 1899) added by Nijveldt (1980: 53
  producta (Meigen, 1830)
  Plemeliella Seitner, 1908
  abietina Seitner, 1908 added by Nijveldt (1997: 23
  Polystepha Kieffer, 1897
  malpighii (Kieffer, 1909) added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 228
  Resseliella Seitner, 1906
  = Thomasia Rübsaamen, 1910: preocc.
  = Profeltiella Kieffer, 1912
  = Thomasiniana Strand, 1916
  betulicola (Kieffer, 1889)
  crataegi (Barnes, 1939) added by Van Rossem et al. (1974: 9
  dizygomyzae (Barnes, 1933)
  oculiperda (Rübsaamen, 1893)
  piceae Seitner, 1906 added by Skrzypczynska et al. (1993: 176
  ribis (Marikovski, 1956) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 144
  skuhravyorum Skrzypczynska, 1975 added by Grijpma & Van der Weerd (1991: 48
  theobaldi (Barnes, 1927) added by Nijveldt (1959a: 78
  Silvestriola Skuhravá, 1997
  = Silvestrina Kieffer, 1912:
  farinicola (Barnes, 1929)
  Sitodiplosis Kieffer, 1913
  mosellana (Géhin, 1856)
  = aurantiaca (Wagner, 1866)
  Thecodiplosis Kieffer, 1895
  brachyntera (Schwägrichen, 1835)
  = brachyptera (Schwägrichen, 1835): emend.
  Thurauia Rübsaamen, 1899
  aquatica Rübsaamen, 1899 added by Nijveldt (1985: 85
  Tricholaba Rübsaamen, 1917
  trifolii Rübsaamen, 1917 added by Nijveldt (1957: 78
  Trisopsis Kieffer, 1912
  abdominalis Mamaev, 1961 added by Nijveldt (1980: 54
  Xylodiplosis Kieffer, 1894
  nigritarsis (Zetterstedt, 1850) added as praecox by Nijveldt (1980: 55
  = praecox (Winnertz, 1853)
  Kiefferia Mik, 1895
  pericarpiicola (Bremi, 1847)
  = pimpinellae (Löw, 1850)
  Hybolasioptera Rübsaamen, 1915
  cerealis (Lindeman, 1881) added by Nijveldt (1968: 225
  Lasioptera Meigen, 1818
  = Thomasiella Rübsaamen, 1915
  = Microlasioptera Skuhravá & Skuhravý, 1981
  arundinis Schiner, 1854
  calamagrostidis Rübsaamen, 1893 added by Nijveldt (1968: 225
  carophila Löw, 1874
  hungarica Möhn, 1968
  = flexuosa (Winnertz, 1853): misident.
  populnea Wachtl, 1883
  rubi (Schrank, 1803)
  Ozirhincus Rondani, 1840
  = Clinoryncha Loew, 1850
  = Clinorrhyncha Kertész, 1902: emend.
  longicollis Rondani, 1840
  = chrysanthemi (Loew, 1850)
  = crassipes (Winnertz, 1853)
  millefolii (Wachtl, 1884) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 134
  tanaceti (Kieffer, 1889)
  Sackenomyia Felt, 1908
  reaumurii (Bremi, 1847) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 147
  Apiomyia Kieffer, 1912
  bergenstammi (Wachtl, 1882) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1949: 338
  Arnoldiola Strand, 1926
  = Arnoldia Kieffer, 1895: preocc.
  libera (Kieffer, 1909) added by Nijveldt (1981: 182
  quercus (Binnie, 1877) added by Nijveldt (1959b: 103
  Bayeriola Gagné, 1991
  = Bayeria Rübsaamen, 1914: preocc.
  salicariae (Kieffer, 1888) added by Nijveldt (1959b: 103
  thymicola (Kieffer, 1888)
  Coniophora Nijveldt, 1959
  autumnalis (Mamaev, 1961) added by Nijveldt (1973: 99 Note 8
  graminicola Nijveldt, 1959 T; added by Nijveldt (1959a: 81
  Craneiobia Kieffer, 1913
  corni (Giraud, 1863)
  Cystiphora Kieffer, 1892
  sanguinea (Bremi, 1847)
  = hieracii (Löw, 1874)
  = pilosellae Kieffer, 1892
  sonchi (Vallot, 1827)
  = sonchi (Bremi, 1847)
  taraxaci (Kieffer, 1888)
  Dasineura Rondani, 1840
  = Dasyneura Agassiz, 1846: emend.
  = Perrisia Rondani, 1846
  acrophila (Winnertz, 1853)
  affinis (Kieffer, 1886)
  alpestris (Kieffer, 1909)
  = arabis Barnes, 1927
  angelicae Rübsaamen, 1915 added by Nijveldt (1968: 224
  aparines (Kieffer, 1889)
  auritae Rübsaamen, 1915
  bergrothiana (Mik, 1889)
  = floriperda (Löw, 1888): incorrect synonymy
  bistortae (Kieffer, 1909) added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 308
  capsulae Kieffer, 1901 added by Docters van Leeuwen (1957: 143
  cardaminis (Winnertz, 1853)
  corylina (Kieffer, 1913) added by Nijveldt (1985: 86
  crataegi (Winnertz, 1853)
  dioicae (Rübsaamen, 1895)
  engstfeldi (Rübsaamen, 1889)
  epilobii (Löw, 1889)
  fastidiosa Roskam, 1979 T; added by Roskam (1979: 299
  fraxinea Kieffer, 1907
  fraxini (Bremi, 1847)
  galiicola (Löw, 1880)
  gentianae (Kieffer, 1909) added by De Goffau (1988: 58
  gentneri Pritchard, 1953 added by Nijveldt (1957: 77
  glechomae (Kieffer, 1889)
  gleditchiae (Osten Sacken, 1866) added by Van Rossem et al. (1976: 85
  harrisoni (Bagnall, 1922)
  holosteae (Kieffer, 1909) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 100
  hygrophila (Mik, 1883)
  hyperici (Bremi, 1847)
  interbracta Roskam, 1979 T; added by Roskam (1979: 292
  irregularis (Bremi, 1847)
  = acercrispans (Kieffer, 1888)
  kiefferiana (Rübsaamen, 1891)
  lathyricola (Rübsaamen, 1890)
  leguminicola (Lintner, 1879) Note 9
  = flosculorum Kieffer, 1890
  lithospermi (Loew, 1850) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1949: 337
  loewiana Rübsaamen, 1917
  lotharingiae (Kieffer, 1888)
  lupulinae (Kieffer, 1891) added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 162
  mali (Kieffer, 1904) added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 161
  medicaginis (Bremi, 1847)
  = ignorata (Wachtl, 1884)
  myosotidis (Kieffer, 1902)
  myrtilli (Rübsaamen, 1915)
  = myrtylli (Rübsaamen, 1915): incorrect spelling
  napi (Loew, 1850)
  = brassicae (Winnertz, 1853)
  odoratae Stelter, 1982 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 104
  oxyacanthae (Rübsaamen, 1914)
  papaveris (Winnertz, 1853) added by Nijveldt (1959b: 102
  periclymeni (Rübsaamen, 1889) added by De Meijere (1946b: 1
  phyteumatis (Löw, 1885) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1957: 332
  plicatrix (Loew, 1850)
  populeti (Rübsaamen, 1889)
  potentillae (Wachtl, 1885) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 106
  pseudococcus (Thomas, 1890) added by Nijveldt (1980: 55
  pteridicola (Kieffer, 1901)
  pteridis (Müller, 1871)
  = filicina (Kieffer, 1889)
  pustulans (Rübsaamen, 1889)
  pyri (Bouché, 1847)
  ranunculi (Bremi, 1847)
  rosae (Bremi, 1847)
  = rosarum (Hardy, 1850)
  rubella Kieffer, 1896 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 107
  ruebsaameni (Kieffer, 1909) added by Nijveldt (1981: 161
  serotina (Winnertz, 1853) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1953: 261
  similis (Löw, 1888) added by De Meijere (1946b: 2
  sisymbrii (Schrank, 1803)
  spadicea Rübsaamen, 1917 listed as spadica by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 301
  = spadica Rübsaamen, 1917: incorrect spelling by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009)
  strumosa (Bremi, 1847)
  = galeobdolontis (Winnertz, 1853)
  symphyti (Rübsaamen, 1891)
  tetensi (Rübsaamen, 1891)
  tetrahit (Kieffer, 1909) added by Nijveldt (1981: 161
  thomasiana (Kieffer, 1888)
  tiliae (Schrank, 1803)
  = tiliamvolvens (Rübsaamen, 1889)
  tortilis (Bremi, 1847)
  = alni (Löw, 1877)
  tortrix (Löw, 1877)
  traili (Kieffer, 1909) added by Nijveldt (1980: 55
  trifolii (Löw, 1874)
  tubicoloides Gagné, 2004
  = tubicola (Kieffer, 1889): preocc.
  ulmaria (Bremi, 1847)
  ulmicola (Kieffer, 1909) added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 309
  urticae (Perris, 1840)
  viciae (Kieffer, 1888)
  violae (Löw, 1880)
  Didymomyia Rübsaamen, 1912
  tiliacea (Bremi, 1847)
  = reaumuriana (Löw, 1878)
  Fabomyia Fedotova, 1991
  medicaginis (Rübsaamen, 1912) Note 10
  Geocrypta Kieffer, 1913
  galii (Loew, 1850)
  Gephyraulus Rübsaamen, 1915
  raphanistri (Kieffer, 1886)
  Giraudiella Rübsaamen, 1915
  inclusa (von Frauenfeld, 1862) Note 11
  = phragmitis (Giraud, 1863): misident. Note 12
  = incurvans Nijveldt, 1953
  Hartigiola Rübsaamen, 1912
  annulipes (Hartig, 1839) Note 13
  = piligera (Loew, 1850)
  = faginea (Kieffer, 1909)
  Iteomyia Kieffer, 1913
  capreae (Winnertz, 1853)
  major (Kieffer, 1889) Note 14
  Jaapiella Rübsaamen, 1915
  bryoniae (Bouché, 1847)
  cirsiicola Rübsaamen, 1915 added by Nijveldt (1962: 238
  clethrophila Rübsaamen, 1917
  compositarum (Kieffer, 1888)
  genisticola (Löw, 1877)
  hedickei Rübsaamen, 1921 added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 172
  jaapiana (Rübsaamen, 1914)
  loticola (Rübsaamen, 1889)
  parvula (Liebel, 1889) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1953: 259
  picridis (Rübsaamen, 1912) added by Nijveldt (1985: 86
  schmidti (Rübsaamen, 1912) added by De Meijere (1946b: 1
  thalictri (Rübsaamen, 1895)
  vacciniorum (Kieffer, 1913) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1951: 302
  veronicae (Vallot, 1827)
  Janetia Kieffer, 1896
  cerris (Kollar, 1850)
  Janetiella Kieffer, 1898
  glechomae Tavares, 1930 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 122
  lemeei (Kieffer, 1904) added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 255
  siskiyou Felt, 1917
  = lawsonianae (De Meijere, 1935)
  thymi (Kieffer, 1888)
  Kaltenbachiola Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1938
  strobi (Winnertz, 1853) added by Nijveldt (1973: 97
  Lathyromyza Rübsaamen, 1915
  schlechtendali (Kieffer, 1886) added by Schoevers ([1942]: xi
  Macrolabis Kieffer, 1892
  aquilegiae (Kieffer, 1909)
  fagicola Barnes, 1939 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 126
  heraclei (Kaltenbach, 1862)
  = corrugans (Löw, 1877)
  hieracii Rübsaamen, 1917 added by De Meijere (1946b: 1
  incolens Rübsaamen, 1895 added by Nijveldt (1962: 238
  jaapi Rübsaamen, 1915 omitted by De Meijere (1939b Note 15
  lamii Rübsaamen, 1915
  lonicerae Rübsaamen, 1912
  luceti Kieffer, 1899 added by Nijveldt (1957: 77
  pavida (Winnertz, 1853)
  pilosellae (Binnie, 1877)
  ruebsaameni Hedicke, 1938 added by Docters van Leeuwen (1949: 333
  stellariae (Liebel, 1889)
  Mayetiola Kieffer, 1896
  = Poomyia Rübsaamen, 1910
  = Caulomyia Rübsaamen, 1915
  = Pemphigocecis Rübsaamen, 1915
  bimaculata (Rübsaamen, 1895) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1957: 121
  destructor (Say, 1817)
  graminis (Fourcroy, 1785)
  = poae (Bosc, 1817)
  hellwigi (Rübsaamen, 1912) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1941: 170 Note 16
  holci Kieffer, 1896 added by Nijveldt (1981: 162
  radicifica (Rübsaamen, 1895) added by Docters van Leeuwen (1953: 262
  schoberi Barnes, 1958 added by Nijveldt (1980: 54
  ventricola (Rübsaamen, 1899)
  Mikomya Kieffer, 1912
  = Mikomyia Kieffer, 1912: emend.
  coryli (Kieffer, 1901)
  Neomikiella Hedicke, 1938
  lychnidis (von Heyden, 1861)
  Oligotrophus Latreille, 1805
  = Schmidtiella Rübsaamen, 1914
  gemmarum Rübsaamen, 1914 added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 154
  juniperinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
  Physemocecis Rübsaamen, 1914
  hartigi (Liebel, 1892) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 135
  ulmi (Kieffer, 1909) added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 258
  Rabdophaga Westwood, 1847 Note 17
  = Rhabdophaga Westwood, 1847: emend.
  albipennis Loew, 1850 Note 18
  clausilia (Bremi, 1847) Note 19
  = inchbaldiana (Mik, 1886)
  clavifex (Kieffer, 1891)
  deletrix (Rübsaamen, 1921) first mentioned by De Goffau (1988: 59 Note 18
  dubiosa Kieffer, 1913
  = dubia (Kieffer, 1891): preocc.
  exsiccans Rübsaamen, 1915
  gemmicola (Kieffer, 1896) confirmed as Dutch under the name gemmarum by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 258 Note 20
  = gemmarum Rübsaamen, 1915
  heterobia (Loew, 1850)
  iteobia (Kieffer, 1890)
  jaapi Rübsaamen, 1916
  = repentis Skuhravá, 1986
  justini Barnes, 1935 added by Nijveldt (1960: 185
  karschi (Kieffer, 1891) Note 21
  marginemtorquens (Bremi, 1847)
  pierrei (Kieffer, 1896)
  repenticola (Stelter in Stelter & Buhr, 1964) added as species of Rabdophaga by Nijveldt (1997: 23
  rosaria (Loew, 1850)
  roskami Stelter, 1989 added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 263
  saliciperda (Dufour, 1841)
  salicis (Schrank, 1803) Note 22
  = noduli (Rübsaamen, 1895) Note 23
  = ramicola (Rübsaamen, 1915) Note 24
  strobilina (Bremi, 1847) listed by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 142
  terminalis (Loew, 1850)
  triandraperda Barnes, 1935 added by Nijveldt (1953c: 355
  viminalis (Westwood, 1847) added by Nijveldt (1981: 162
  Rhizomyia Kieffer, 1898
  fasciata Kieffer, 1904 added by Nijveldt (1999: 169
  Rhopalomyia Rübsaamen, 1892
  = Misospatha Kieffer, 1913: misident. sensu auct.
  baccarum (Wachtl, 1883)
  cristaegalli (Karsch, 1877) added by De Meijere (1946b: 1
  florum (Kieffer, 1890) listed by Grosscurt (2022: 201
  foliorum (Loew, 1850) added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 91
  millefolii (Loew, 1850)
  ptarmicae (Vallot, 1849)
  tanaceticola (Karsch, 1879)
  Rondaniola Rübsaamen & Hedicke, 1938
  = Rondaniella Rübsaamen, 1915: preocc.
  bursaria (Bremi, 1847)
  Semudobia Kieffer, 1913
  betulae (Winnertz, 1853)
  skuhravae Roskam, 1977 T; added by Roskam (1977: 174
  tarda Roskam, 1977 T; added by Roskam (1977: 172
  Spurgia Gagné, 1990
  capitigena (Bremi, 1847)
  = subpatula (Bremi, 1847)
  esulae Gagné, 1990 added by Grosscurt (2022: 203
  Taxomyia Rübsaamen, 1912
  taxi (Inchbald, 1861) added by De Meijere (1946b: 4
  Trotteria Kieffer, 1901
  galii Rübsaamen, 1912
  obtusa (Loew, 1845) added as sarothamni by Nijveldt (1985: 86
  = sarothamni (Kieffer, 1890)
  Wachtliella Rübsaamen, 1915
  caricis (Loew, 1850)
  = riparia (Winnertz, 1853)
  ericina (Löw, 1885) N; added by Bosgroepen (2022
  persicariae (Linnaeus, 1767)
  stachydis (Bremi, 1847)
  Zygiobia Kieffer, 1913
  carpini (Löw, 1874)
  Placochela Rübsaamen, 1916
  nigripes (Löw, 1877) added by Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 234 Note 25
  = ligustri (Rübsaamen, 1899) Note 26
  Schizomyia Kieffer, 1889
  galiorum Kieffer, 1889
  Didactylomyia Felt, 1911
  longimana (Felt, 1908) added by Nijveldt (1980: 55
  Unplaced in Cecidomyiinae
  Atrichosema Kieffer, 1904
  aceris Kieffer, 1904 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 79
  Putoniella Kieffer, 1896
  pruni (Kaltenbach, 1872) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 137
  Bryomyia Kieffer, 1895
  bergrothi Kieffer, 1895 added by Jaschhof (1996: 86
  gibbosa (Felt, 1907) added by Jaschhof (1996: 86
  producta (Felt, 1908) added by Jaschhof (1996: 86
  Campylomyza Meigen, 1818
  appendiculata Jaschhof, 2015 N; added by M. Jaschhof (2015: 376)  
  bicolor Meigen, 1818 Note 27
  flavipes Meigen, 1818 Note 28
  = aceris Meigen, 1818
  = fuscipes Meigen, 1830
  = aequalis Winnertz, 1870
  = edwardsi Nijveldt, 1959
  serrata Jaschhof, 1998 added by Jaschhof (1998a: 263
  Catocha Haliday, 1833
  latipes Haliday, 1833
  = crassitarsis Van der Wulp, 1874
  Anaretella Enderlein, 1911
  defecta (Winnertz, 1870) added by Jaschhof (1996: 86
  iola Pritchard, 1951 added by Jaschhof (1996: 86
  Lestremia Macquart, 1826
  cinerea Macquart, 1826 added by Nijveldt (1973: 97
  leucophaea (Meigen, 1818)
  Aprionus Kieffer, 1894
  bidentatus (Kieffer, 1894) added by Jaschhof (1996: 86
  flavidus (Winnertz, 1870)
  Micromya Rondani, 1840
  lucorum Rondani, 1840 added by Jaschhof (1996: 86
  Monardia Kieffer, 1895
  = Pezomyia Kieffer, 1913
  subg. Monardia Kieffer, 1895
  stirpium Kieffer, 1895
  = vanderwulpi De Meijere, 1899
  subg. Xylopriona Kieffer, 1913
  atra (Meigen, 1804)
  = halterata (Zetterstedt, 1852)
  toxicodendri (Felt, 1907) added by Nijveldt (1985: 87
  Mycophila Felt, 1911
  fungicola Felt, 1911 added as barnesi by Nijveldt (1985: 85
  = barnesi Edwards, 1938
  speyeri (Barnes, 1926) added by De Meijere (1946b: 4
  Asynapta Loew, 1850
  pectoralis Winnertz, 1853
  phragmitis (Giraud, 1863) added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 71
  saliciperda Felt, 1908 added as populnea by Nijveldt (1968: 225
  = populnea Panelius, 1965 Note 29
  strobi (Kieffer, 1920) added by Nijveldt (1981: 162
  Camptomyia Kieffer, 1894
  abnormis Mamaev, 1961 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 72
  Cedrocrypta Kieffer, 1919
  montana Kieffer, 1919 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 72
  Claspettomyia Grover, 1964
  hamata (Felt, 1907) added as montana by Nijveldt (1973: 97
  = montana Mamaev in Mamaev & Krivosheina, 1965
  Coccopsilis Harris, 2004
  = Coccopsis De Meijere, 1901: preocc.
  = Holoneurus Kieffer, 1905:
  marginatus (De Meijere, 1901)
  Divellepidosis Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2007
  hypoxantha Panelius, 1965 added by Nijveldt (1980: 54 Note 30
  Monepidosis Mamaev, 1966
  carolinae (Felt, 1907) added by Nijveldt (1968: 226
  pectinata Mamaev, 1966 added by Nijveldt (1980: 53
  Neocolpodia Mamaev, 1964
  paradoxa (Mamaev, 1964) added by Nijveldt (1980: 55
  Parepidosis Kieffer, 1913
  arcuata Mamaev, 1964 added as arctuata by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 73
  = arctuata Mamaev, 1964: incorrect spelling by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 73)
  argentifera (De Meijere, 1906)
  Porricondyla Rondani, 1840
  = Epidosis Loew, 1850
  nigripennis (Meigen, 1830)
  = albitarsis (Meigen, 1830)
  = dorsalis (Winnertz, 1853)
  = analis (Winnertz, 1853)
  rufescens Panelius, 1965 added by Nijveldt (1973: 97
  rufocinerea Panelius, 1965 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 74
  Heteropeza Winnertz, 1846
  pygmaea Winnertz, 1846 added as paradoxa by Nijveldt (1957: 77
  = paradoxa (Meinert, 1865)
  Miastor Meinert, 1864
  metraloas Meinert, 1864
  Winnertzia Rondani, 1860
  curvata Panelius, 1965 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 71
  nigripennis Kieffer, 1896 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 71
  rubricola Mamaev, 1963 added by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 71
Doubtful species
  Campylomyza Meigen, 1818    
  praecox (Kieffer, 1894)   Note 31
  Colpodia Winnertz, 1850    
  angustipennis (Winnertz, 1853)   Note 32
  pallidula Van der Wulp, 1874 Note 33
  Contarinia Rondani, 1860    
  violicola (Coquillett, 1890)   Note 34
  Porricondyla Rondani, 1840    
  nitida (Van der Wulp, 1874) Note 35
  pallida (Meigen, 1830)   Note 36
  venusta (Winnertz, 1853)   Note 36
Deleted species
  Anarete Haliday, 1833  
  coracina (Zetterstedt, 1851)   Note 37
  Contarinia Rondani, 1860  
  sambuci (Kaltenbach, 1873)   Note 38
  Jaapiella Rübsaamen, 1915  
  floriperda (Löw, 1888)   Note 39
Note 1 This species was recorded as longiventris from the Netherlands from Vicia by Docters van Leeuwen (1936: 509) and De Meijere (1939a: 120). This was a misidentification of A. viciae (also see Chandler, 1998a: 27).
Note 2 Again added as pisicola by Nijveldt (1951a: 223); as coriscii and rosiperda by Nijveldt (1957: 78); as lathyri by Nijveldt (1959b: 102); as cilicrus by Nijveldt (1960: 185); and as gallicola by Nijveldt (1968: 226).
Note 3 Again added by Nijveldt (1987a: 71).
Note 4 First recorded by Van Poeteren (1939: 27). Later recorded in Alta & Docters van Leeuwen (1946: 116).
Note 5 Again added as persicae by De Meijere (1946a: 2).
Note 6 Again added by Nijveldt (1967: 11).
Note 7 Synonymy pointed out by Gagné (2004).
Note 8 Transferred from Dasineura.
Note 9 Added as leguminicola by Nijveldt (1957: 77) who already indicated that it might be a synonym of flosculorum that was already on the Dutch list.
Note 10 The generic placement of this species is not quite clear. Fedotova (1996) transferred it from Jaapiella to Fabomyia but is was still listed as a species of Jaapiella by Gagné & Jaschhof (2014: 230). This latter classification was followed by Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 120) and Grosscurt (2022: 201), but no reference could yet be traced that reverted the Fedotova's transfer. In addition, the original combination is a secondary subjective homonym of Dasineura medicaginis (Bremi, 1847). A new name is required for this species.
Note 11 Again added as incurvans by Nijveldt (1953b: 282).
Note 12 The record of Porricondyla phragmitis (Giraud, 1863) from the Netherlands by Skuhravá (1986: 107) is probably based on misidentified material mentioned in Dutch publications, see Docters van Leeuwen (1951: 297). Later examination of galls in collections has shown the species to be indigenous after all (Roskam & Charbonelle, 2015: 71).
Note 13 Again added as faginea by Nijveldt (1981: 161).
Note 14 Chandler (1998a: 40) refers to Mamaeva (1964) and Redfern & Askew (1992) to argue that major should be treated as valid species. Robbins (pers. comm. in Chandler, 1998a) suggests differences in gall shape.
Note 15 First recorded by Docters van Leeuwen (1936: 504); later also listed by Nijveldt (1962: 237).
Note 16 Again added by Docters van Leeuwen & Roskam (2009: 99).
Note 17 A considerable amount of discussion has been going on about the status of Rabdophaga. In the Palaearctic Catalogue (Skuhravá, 1986) it is treated as synonym of Dasineura. Later catalogues have re-instated Rabdophaga as valid genus for the species occurring on Salix. Morphological evidence for the separation of these two genera and a number of closely related genera (for example Giraudiella and Wachtliella) is open to debate (also see Chandler, 1998a: 40). Until this is resolved satisfactorily, recent catalogues are followed and Rabdophaga is treated as valid genus.
Note 18 R. deletrix was formally added by Moraal & De Goffau (1989: 86). Stelter (1993: 390) synonymized it with R. albipennis but he did not state any grounds for this synonymization. Until more details are available about this matter R. deletrix is maintained as valid species on the Dutch list.
Note 19 According to Stelter (1993: 389), the galls attributed to R. clausilia are caused by mites and the records of (inquiline) gall midges is accidental only. For this reason he argues that it should be considered a nomen dubium in Cecidomyiidae. Robbins (pers. comm. in Chandler, 1998a) doubts Stelter's conclusion and argues that it should be re-instated as valid species.
Note 20 This species was doubtfully recorded as gemmarum by De Meijere (1935: 192) and not listed by De Meijere (1939b).
Note 21 This was already treated as a valid species by Stelter (1993: 388) based on morphological differences with salicis, though not stated there) but was listed as synonym of salicis by Nijveldt & Beuk 2002).
Note 22 Again added as ramicola by Docters van Leeuwen (1953: 264).
Note 23 According to Stelter (1993: 390) noduli is a synonym of nervorum (Kieffer, 1895). If the galls attributed to noduli prove to belong to another species than salicis, then nervorum should be added to the list.
Note 24 Meyer & Jaschhof (1999: 27) list ramicola as valid species, whereas it was listed as a synonym of degeeri (Bremi, 1847) by Stelter (1993: 388). Until the matter is further investigated ramicola is listed here as synonym of salicis.
Note 25 Again added as ligustri by Docters van Leeuwen (1957: 170).
Note 26 Synonymy pointed out by Tokuda et al. (2005: 421).
Note 27 This species was unjustly deleted from the Dutch list by Roskam & Charbonell (2015: 152) on grounds that it was not included on the original checklist, even though it was (Nijveldt & Beuk, 2002: 81), and not mentioned for the Netherlands by Gagné & Jaschhof (2014: ). Jaschhof (1998b: 148) mentions the Netherlands on the basis of references in literature. All records for Dutch fauna were summarized by Van der Wulp & De Meijere (1898: 4).
Note 28 Again added as edwardsi by Nijveldt (1959a: 78). The synonymy of edwardsi with flavipes was estabished by Jaschhof (1998b: 154).
Note 29 Synonymy established by Jaschhof & Jaschhof (2013)
Note 30 Transferred to Divellepidosi by Fedotova & Sidorenko (2007).
Note 31 This species was recorded from the Netherlands by Skuhravá (1986: 89) but the source of this record is not clear. Moreover, according to Jaschhof (1998b: 549) this should be considered a nomen dubium.
Note 32 Considered a doubtful species by Gagné & Jaschhof (2014: 379).
Note 33 Considered a doubtful species by Gagné & Jaschhof (2014: 383).
Note 34 This species was added by Nijveldt (1957: 78). However, the species known under the name Contarinia violicola was transferred to Prodiplosis Felt, 1908, whereas the species recorded from the Netherlands is a true Contarinia. Since no Contarinia species have as yet been recorded from Viola, this must represent an undescribed species. Van Poeteren (1938: 34) earlier also recorded violicola from galls on Viola cornuta at Rotterdam. De Meijere (1946a: 4) listed this species but did not add it to the Dutch list as he could not be certain that is was not a misidentification of Dasineura violae.
Note 35 Roskam & Charbonelle (2015: 74) do not include this species as doubtfully recorded but list it as a valid species of Porricondyla and give a reference to Meyer & Jaschhof (1999: 31). It should be noted that it is not included in that list. Since Gagné & Jaschhof (2015: 372) still treat it as an unplaced species, apparently only known from the type(s), it is treated here as doubtful.
Note 36 Considered a doubtful species although it was listed as valid species by Meyer & Jaschhof (1999: 31).
Note 37 Jaschhof (1998b: 73) excluded the species described by Zetterstedt from the Cecidomyiidae after examination of the type showed it to be a species of the Sciaridae. De Meijere (1916: 296[refs06240[/refs]) probably did examine a species of Anarete, but at present its correct identity cannot be established.
Note 38 This species was initially listed because it was considered to be a senior synonym of Contarinia lonicerearum. Skuhravá (2009: 132) resurrected lonicerearum from synonymy for the species living in Lonicera. All earlier records refer to occurrences on Lonicera so C. sambuci is deleted from the Dutch list.
Note 39 This species was initially listed because it was considered to be a senior synonym of Jaapiella bergrothiana (= Dasineura bergrothiana). Skuhravá & Skuhravý,(2010: 132) resurrected bergrothiana from synonymy for the species living in Silene nutans. All earlier records refer to occurrences on Silene nutans so J. floriperda is deleted from the Dutch list.
The latest revisions at different levels
The family introduction was last edited on 20-02-2014 12:37
Winnertziidae was the last (sub)family to be edited on 21-02-2014 13:03
Unplaced in Cecidomyiinae was the last tribe to be edited on 09-12-2022 15:37
Sackenomyia was the last (sub)genus to be edited on 20-12-2022 22:13
Macrolabis fagicola was the last (sub)species to be edited on 20-12-2022 22:35

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